lauantai 4. tammikuuta 2014

Datsun 1000 -70

The new year begun with braking the limit of 5000 shows of this blog of mine. One and half years of showing the pictures of cars, as simple as that. I never could guess that there would be so much people around the world interested. yes, about 50 countries on the list that I can see where there has been followers of this blog. In USA there are always two followers that looks my blog immediately after the update I make. It would be nice to hear were you guys are. OK, for celebrating the braking the limit of 5000 shows I will show you the picture of my very fist car. The photo has poor quality but it's the only one that I have left of this Datsun 1000. This picture was taken something like 1981 or 1982. I sold the car few years later.

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